GFA World – Welcome
For over 40 years, GFA World (formerly Gospel for Asia), inspired by Jesus’ love for helping the poor, has provided hope for children and help to impoverished families and their communities to free them from persistent cycles of generational poverty and child poverty, especially poverty in Asia and poverty in Africa. What is poverty?
GFA World is also providing solutions to poverty and education for the less fortunate children of Asia and Africa in the 10/40 window, especially those subject to gender inequality in school. We also help communities overcome fundamental problems like water scarcity, water stress, lack of sanitation and toilet poverty, to address the global sanitation crisis. We’re involved in ministering to leprosy patients; we’re helping victims of floods and other natural disasters; and we’re involved in literature distribution in various languages for adult literacy, character development and an understanding of God’s hope.
We are a considerable clean water charity with various clean water solutions and types of water wells, as well as one of the few poverty organizations in South Asia that provides well drilling for access to clean water. We are also excited about future water projects in Africa to address the global water crisis.
You Can Make a Difference by Supporting a Child or Missionary
Partnering with GFA World to sponsor boys or girls in developing countries, or even National Missionaries in Africa or Asia, is the first step in changing the life of an impoverished family, or seeing a whole village transformed through Christ’s love by overcoming a poverty mindset. As we partner for underprivileged kids in Asia, charity can help improve their lives, and the lives of their families. Here’s how you can sponsor a child in Africa or Asia. In addition, you can also donate clean water to help people in Asia and Africa get access to clean water, and provide solutions to poverty like adult literacy, or poverty animal gifting.
Gospel for Asia’s Child Sponsorship Program
GFA World’s child sponsorship program is designed to rescue thousands of children in Asia from a life of poverty and hopelessness, or even child exploitation. (What is exploitation?) As a girl education charity, we give children an education and introduce them to the love of God. Each child will receive a quality education, school uniforms, medical care, a nutritious, regular meal and the opportunity to hear of God’s love for them. This also helps enrolled kids overcome the devastating effects of poverty on child development, as well as the effects of child labor. What is child labor?
Sponsor a child with GFA World »
Sponsor a girl education »
Learn about: Why is child labor bad? »
Child Labor in the Fashion Industry »
Child Labor Definition »
Child Labor Examples »
Countries with Child Labor issues »
Learn how poverty affects education »
Missionary Sponsorship
With few or no cultural barriers to overcome, national missionaries can readily share about the hope found in Christ to those who have never heard. Although national missionaries do face many difficulties, they still have an enormous advantage over their coworkers from North America and other non-Asian lands.
Sponsor a National Missionary »
Learn about Women Missionaries »
Global Water Crisis Issues
Worldwide, how many people lack access to clean water? »
What is water scarcity? »
Learn about the Africa water crisis »
Read about the water solutions we provide »
Sanitation Challenges in Developed Nations »
Woman Missionary Sponsorship
Through the heroic efforts of GFA women missionaries who have dedicated their lives to bringing Gods love to the women of Asia, we can reach these women with the hope found in Christ. In many Asian cultures, genders rarely mix, so traditional male missionaries are severely limited in ministering to women. However, it is possible to send trained, dedicated women missionaries to minister to the millions who still wait to hear that they are precious to Jesus.
GFA missionaries are trained and are driven by a passion: to relieve the pain and suffering of women in Asia by introducing them to the love of Jesus Christ, and by addressing the causes of poverty, like functional illiteracy. GFA World missionaries often face scandals, hindrances, beatings and imprisonment to tell hurting women about a Savior who offers hope for eternity, and strength for today to win the war on poverty. What are the causes of poverty?
Hundreds of thousands of Asian women’s lives are being transformed by GFA’s dedicated women missionaries, as we teach people how to learn to read, for adults especially, but millions more still wait for assistance. Like the numerous women caught up in the global widowhood crisis.
- Learn about Numeracy »
- Learn about Child Marriage »
- Learn about Child Labor »
- Learn about Period Poverty »
- Learn about the effects of poverty »
- What is the cycle of poverty? »
- What is the Great Commission? »
- What is the 10/40 Window? »
- What is the cause of poverty? »
Gospel for Asia Reports Blog
Gospel for Asia’s reports and photos from the mission field in Asia.
Rejoice! Newsletter
Read stories of impact in Asia through Gospel for Asia’s newsletter.
Pray With Gospel for Asia
Join the Gospel for Asia Prayer Team. You will receive emails for emergency needs for Asia, as well as monthly updated needs across Asia.
To help your prayer life, here are some Bible verses about poverty »
myGFA is a Gospel for Asia fundraising tool to help you and others be part of seeing communities in Asia transformed.
GFA World’s Compassion Services
GFA’s Compassion Services is bringing Christ’s love to the suffering and needy in very practical ways. Missionaries and volunteers from disaster relief organizations like GFA World assist survivors of natural disasters by providing food, water, medical care, clothing and even shelter. Ministry teams also reach out to slum dwellers and leprosy patients in many of Asia’s major cities to combat global poverty. In addition, GFA World is one of the charities that help widows.
Find out more about the ways God is ministering to the suffering across Asia and Africa by visiting the U.S.A. Gospel for Asia web site. Plus, here are some interesting Bible verses about poverty to read, and 5 ways to reduce poverty.