What Should I Look for in a Missionary Charity?
We all want to know we are supporting an organization that keeps its mission central and delivers on its message. When it comes to deciding on whether to support a missionary charity, here are some guidelines that will help you align your values and your donations with confidence and hope.
Charity Navigator, one of the largest nonprofit tracking websites, offers these tips:[1]
- If you can’t find their Employer Identification Number (EIN) as a 501(c)(3) organization, do not donate. You can search for an EIN at IRS.gov through its Tax Exempt Organization Search (TEOS) tool.
- Look for evidence on the organization’s website that their goals and mission are being met in tangible ways. This can be found in real-life stories and in year-end reports.
Once you have established that an organization is an approved tax-exempt nonprofit organization and that they are actively fulfilling their purpose, you can start to evaluate which of their programs is having the most impact and if it aligns with your values.
For example, if you want to support missions work that is reaching a certain people group, search their website with that country’s name or the language they speak. Look for stories of changed lives, people who have been transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.
When we choose to support a missionary, we can see their heart for those without Jesus and want to help them succeed in what God has called them to do. Supporting a GFA World-trained missionary, especially a woman, is a way to both love the body of Christ and touch the lost.
Just $30 per month, the price of a few grande lattes, will help her continue her vital work in some of the hardest places on earth. God has called her to share her time, her hope and her faith in Jesus. You may be called to support her in this beautiful, tender work.
Choose a female GFA missionary today to love with your gift. You can know that she is ready, able and more than willing to answer God’s call.
Learn more about women missionaries[1] Charity Navigator. “Avoiding Charity Scams: Questions to Ask & Ways to Give.” Accessed https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=content.view&cpid=6506. October 13, 2022.