Missionary Involvement in Africa – Who Are Some Notable People?
Missionary involvement in Africa has been instrumental in bringing the Gospel to the continent. Perhaps the two most famous Christian missionaries in African history are:
David Livingstone (1813-1873) who is perhaps that most notable missionary in the history of Africa. Christianity Today describes him as “Mother Teresa, Neil Armstrong, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one”[1] because of his unwearied effort to evangelize, explore the undiscovered and fight against slavery. He is credited with developing a dangerous road into the interior of Africa to bring the Good News to unreached people.
Mary Slessor (1848-1915) was the first solo woman missionary in Nigeria, arriving there in 1876.[2] She fought for the women and children in the villages who were being ruthlessly killed. She stood strong in the face of opposition and was able to share the love of Jesus in a remarkable way.
Over the decades, Africans have stepped into leadership to reach their own people groups. For example, GFA World equips national missionaries to meet physical and spiritual needs in their own countries. National missionaries are being trained and equipped to reach the people with the Good News.
Church leaders and Rwandan officials have come together to bring children out of poverty in Kigali, Rwanda. Through our Child Sponsorship Program in the slums, children receive tangible help like nutritious food, school supplies and clean water. Our aim is to help those in desperate need by breaking the cycle of poverty and setting lives free through the transforming power of the Gospel.
“Everything we do focuses on bringing real hope and the love of God to those who’ve lost all hope, [so] we appreciate the open door we’ve been given to start saving lives and serving the poor in Rwanda,” K.P. Yohannan, the founder of GFA World, says.[3]
Will you pray for the work of GFA in Africa? May God raise up faithful missionaries to reach their nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the effectiveness of their outreach and for God to call many more into His ministry.
Learn more about missionaries in Africa[1] “David Livingstone.” Christianity Today. https://www.christianitytoday.com/history/people/missionaries/david-livingstone.html. Accessed November 17, 2022.
[2] “Missionary Involvement in Nigeria (Historical & Current).” Bethany Global University. https://bethanygu.edu/missions/missionary-involvement-in-nigeria/. Accessed November 17, 2022.
[3] “GFA World Launches First Missions in Africa.” GFA. https://gfanews.org/in-the-news/gfa-world-launches-first-missions-in-africa. April 29, 2021.