What Are the Types of Water Well Systems?
Just as there are different ways to drill a water well, there are also different types of water well systems. These systems determine how the water comes up from its source to be used. They can range from highly sophisticated electrical systems to simple mechanical systems that don’t rely on electricity. In general, though, well systems worldwide often have common, recognizable parts.
Here are some of the basic components of a well’s system:
- The well pump. As the most important element of any well system, the pump works to suck the water up from the ground and send it to its extraction point. Different types of water pumps include hand pumps, centrifugal pumps, jet pumps and submersible pumps.
- The well casing. The casing is a well’s body. It’s the tube-like structure that forms the shape and structure of the well and keeps the water safe from dirt, sediment and contaminants. Usually made to be about 5 inches in diameter, well casings are typically made from plastic or steel.
- The well cap. This important feature is what sits on top of the casing to create a seal to block contaminants such as bugs, bacteria and dirt from falling down into the well. The water supply is at risk of contamination if the cap doesn’t fit properly or becomes damaged.
- The pressure tank. A pressure tank is needed if water is coming from a well into a structure. The pressure tank sends the water into plumbing pipes.
- The well screen. Works like a strainer to keep out dirt, rock, sand and other sediment or objects.1
GFA World drills Jesus Wells in remote areas of Asia, where having access to clean water is often a year-round struggle for people in villages without the infrastructure for regular running water. More than 30,000 Jesus Wells have been drilled so far, with more to come.
Because GFA World works in some of the most remote areas, they keep the drilling and function of the Jesus Wells as simple as possible. Jesus Wells do not use a pressure tank to push the water through plumbing. Instead, they use a mechanical hand pump to access the water. As a result, Jesus Wells run without electricity, which is often unavailable or limited where the wells are dug.
The simplicity of Jesus Wells also helps GFA World also keep the costs down. In addition, they try to drill multiple wells through one local contractor to provide more wells to more people at a lower price. You can sponsor one Jesus Well for only $1,400, which supports approximately 300 people per day with clean water for up to two decades. This investment in simple technology brings lasting change and health to remote villages through the caring hands of GFA missionaries. Help bring transformation today.
Learn more about the types of water wells1 https://americanpumpfl.com/the-key-components-of-a-private-water-well/