How Can I Help Build a Water Well for Charity?
The best way to help build a water well for charity is to support the work of organizations that have a presence in and understand those areas most in need of fresh water. Knowing the problems faced by the residents and the options for them is key to choosing the best solution.
Water.org, Charity: Water and GFA World are a few examples of organizations that have on-the-ground presences in such areas and can thus evaluate and recommend water solutions. Not just any well can solve the problems of villages facing both floods and droughts. For example, a hand-dug well of only about 100 feet can easily be overwhelmed and contaminated in monsoon season and then also dry up during times of drought.
GFA World’s Jesus Wells solve many issues surrounding wells:
- They are drilled up to 600 feet for weather resistance.
- Local contractors and materials are used to to keep the cost down.
- Local pastors and congregations oversee the well’s maintenance for longevity.
- Access to the wells is granted to absolutely anyone, no matter their background.
- The hand pump used is heavy duty and easy to maintain.
You can help these clean water efforts by sponsoring all or part of a Jesus Well. One well can be drilled for approximately $1,400, but any donation amount aids the fight for clean water. You can also set up a fundraiser on myGFA and invite others to sponsor a Jesus Well with you.
One Jesus Well provides clean water for approximately 300 people per day for up to two decades. It’s an amazing return on investment, not only for clean water and village health but also for the opportunities the well provides the pastor and his congregation who oversee and maintain it. As a community gathering place that freely offers a critical resource, the well is a wonderful place to exhibit the love and care of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Wells have provided incredible ministry opportunities for GFA missionaries to share eternal truths of God’s love. Jesus Wells are fitted with a plaque that reads:
“Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13–14).
Your gift to Jesus Wells can change a body, a family, a village and an eternal destination for many.
Learn more about the types of water wells