Why is it still important to sponsor a kid in Africa? Charity, water and ministry organizations are thriving there.
It is still essential for you to sponsor a kid in Africa. Charity is crucial to help alleviate the impact of poverty on the continent. As of 2020, 282 million people in Africa were experiencing hunger.[1] That is just one statistic that speaks volumes about the hardship of life in Africa. Your sponsorship can play a valuable role in helping children escape the cycle of poverty that has ensnared many in Africa for generations.
Here are some common needs in Africa:
Healthcare Needs: In Africa, geographical obstacles and poverty mean that many Africans go without basic health care. According to the UN, “Africans are susceptible to the three big killer diseases on the continent: malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.”[2] Child sponsorship is a huge help to families who struggle to access medical care. Through GFA, children can receive basic medical care, as well as health training to combat misinformation.
Water Needs: Africa is known as the “dry continent,” second only to Australia in aridity. More than one-quarter of the population has no access to safe drinking water.[3] GFA’s Child Sponsorship model helps provide safe and clean drinking water for the families. This may be by installing a community-wide Jesus Well or by providing a family with a BioSand filter. When children and adults no longer need to walk hours each day to collect water, the whole community benefits, with more children in school and more adults able to work. Clean water also prevents disease.
Educational Needs: In communities where poverty prevails, education must often be sacrificed for survival. In the sub-Saharan region of Africa, 32 million children, many of them girls, are not afforded an education.[4] At GFA, our sponsorship program aims to keep children in school by supplying them with tuition and supplies, providing tutoring for those who need more help and nurturing a general understanding of why education is key to breaking through poverty.
Spiritual Needs: There is a desperate need for Christianity in Africa and for the leaders of the churches to be trained. At GFA, we are laying a foundation of truth for the children in our sponsorship program to know and love Jesus.
For just $35 per month, you can sponsor a kid in Africa. Learn more about what the child receives and how it will impact your life, too! Please join in our ministry and help today.
Learn more about how to sponsor a child through GFA World[1] “GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa.” GFA World. Accessed August 9, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/africa.
[2] Pheage, Tefo. “Dying from lack of medicines.” United Nations/Africa Renewal. December 2016-March 2017. https://www.un.org/africarenewal/magazine/december-2016-march-2017/dying-lack-medicines.
[3] “Africa’s Priorities For Sustainable Development.” United Nations/ Africa Renewal. April 2012. https://www.un.org/africarenewal/magazine/april-2012/africa%E2%80%99s-priorities-sustainable-development.
[4] “GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa.” GFA World. Accessed August 10, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/africa.