I want to sponsor a kid from Africa. Can GFA help connect me with a family in need?
Yes! Connecting you with a child in Africa would bring us great joy! When you sponsor a kid from Africa, you help to meet the needs of that child, their family and their community. There are significant needs in Africa, and you can help!
Africa is home to one-fifth of the world’s population. There are 1.2 billion people living on this continent of 54 countries, each with a varied terrain. Incredibly, half of the population of Africa is under the age of 15![1] Many of these regions struggle with extreme poverty and lack basic necessities like health care, education and clean water. There is a history of vast traumas among people groups, which will take time and effort to heal.
At GFA, our work in Africa began in Rwanda, in the poor areas of the capital city, Kigali. Our prayer is to meet the tangible needs of these African people and bring the Good News to those who have never heard it.
Rwanda is just the beginning, and we hope to expand the ministry to six other nations in the next few years. “We aim to be servants to everyone, showing them Christ through our lifestyle,” said GFA World founder, K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan). “Jesus told his disciples to change the world, and as we expand into Africa, that’s our calling, too.”[2]
Will you consider joining us by sponsoring a child in Africa? Start by choosing a child. You may like to pick someone who shares a birthday with you or a special person in your life. Or select a child with the same name or from a city you have visited. Pray for God to direct you to the child He would like you to sponsor. Once you have selected a child, you can begin a sponsorship for $35 per month. Your gift will be used to meet the needs of your child, as well as their family and their community. They will receive help with things like nutritious food, clean water, basic health care, education, as well as help with their spiritual needs. Our team in their community will assess how to best help your sponsored child.
We currently have missionaries in Rwanda who are training indigenous missionaries to help with the important work in this beautiful country.
Learn more about how to sponsor a child through GFA World[1] “GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa.” GFA World. Accessed August 9, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/africa.
[2] Ibid.