Poverty Animal Gifting

The Impact of Farm Animals for Poverty Reduction in Communities

The use of farm animals for poverty alleviation plays a vital role in empowering disadvantaged communities and reducing hardship. For instance, a single female goat can produce seven to nine goats in just two years and generate plenty of milk to drink and sell. This not only provides nourishment for the family but also creates a source of income that can be used to improve their living conditions. In one example, a family in a region in South Asia received one goat from GFA World three years ago, and they now have eighteen goats, which they can sell to stabilize their family’s finances.

Education and Health Improvements

The income generated from farm animals can also be used to send children to school, breaking the cycle of poverty and illiteracy.[1] In the of one laborer in a poor Asian community, receiving a cow from GFA World allowed him to sell milk and send his children to school, ending the cycle of poverty that had plagued his family for generations.

Moreover, farm animals can contribute to better health in impoverished communities. For example, cows and goats supply nutrient-rich milk that can sustain an entire family and more.[2] By providing animals for food to deprived communities, relief organizations and their donors can enhance the general health of entire regions.

Community Development and Environmental Benefits

Farm animals can also contribute to community development and environmental sustainability. Their manure helps to fertilize the land, aiding in crop growth, and is used for fuel in many places.[3] In water-starved regions of Asia, GFA World installs wells using local labor and trains the local pastor and congregation on how to maintain them for the long term.

A Path to Self-Sufficiency

Farm animals offer a path to self-sufficiency for impoverished families. By providing them with living assets they can put to immediate use, relief organizations can help them succeed in a sustainable way. This approach is more effective than simply giving money, as it empowers families to create prosperous enterprises, often starting with a single cow or goat.[4]

The broader impact of farm animals on communities is undeniable. They provide economic empowerment, education and health improvements, community development, and a path to self-sufficiency for impoverished families. By supporting GFA World’s efforts to provide income-generating gifts of farm animals through their Christmas Gift Catalog, you can make a lasting difference in the lives of those in need.

Learn more about poverty animal gifting

[1]   Compassion in World Farming. “People and Poverty.” Accessed October 9, 2023. https://www.ciwf.org.uk/factory-farming/people-and-poverty/.
[2]   Banda, Liveness Jessica, and Jonathan Tanganyika. “Livestock Provide More than Food in Smallholder Production Systems of Developing Countries.” Animal Frontiers : The Review Magazine of Animal Agriculture 11, no. 2 (May 17, 2021): 7–14. https://doi.org/10.1093/af/vfab001.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.