Is There Help for Widows?
Help for widows can take many forms. It can be elaborate gifts of cars, houses, or large sums of money, but in many impoverished countries, help can also be something as simple as a blanket. GFA knows that the power of something small can make a world of difference.
Kacia and her daughter lived in a simple bamboo house with a thatched roof. It was great at protecting them from the hot sun of summer, but in winter, biting winds would howl through the home, making it difficult to stay warm. Kacia had lost her husband many years before when an unknown illness took his life. A couple of years after that, her son died from cancer. With no man left in the house, the near-impossible burden of providing for herself and her 14-year-old daughter fell solely on Kacia’s shoulders. She got creative and did jobs like chopping firewood to earn something to live on and put her daughter through school. But there was never enough left to spare for warmer winter clothes, despite their need.
GFA pastor Belden, well aware of the widow’s position and living conditions, visited Kacia one day to invite her to an upcoming gift distribution event. Kacia accepted the invitation and attended. One by one, Pastor Belden called the names of people in the community, handing them a blanket with a smile. Kacia watched the blankets being passed out to her neighbors until she heard her own name called. With her lowly widow status, she never expected to receive a blanket, especially from the church. Pastor Belden had shown her love and care, meeting such an essential need, showing Kacia that God loves the widows just as much as He loves others.
“I am extremely happy to receive this beautiful blanket,” Kacia said. “For the first time, I have received this kind gift in my life.”[1]
While the task of helping widows may seem difficult, it does not have to be complicated. The simple gift of a blanket changed Kacia’s life. It showed her that she was seen and loved — support and care that widows rarely feel in many parts of Asia. Small acts of kindness like this can change the world and point people toward God.
GFA ministers to widows by meeting their basic needs, providing income-generating gifts, and sharing with them the Good News of their Creator, who loves them. You can join this effort to help widows by donating to GFA; even something small, like a blanket, can change someone’s world.
Learn more about charities that help widows[1] Gospel for Asia. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/gospelforasia. Accessed October 6, 2022.