What Is a Bible Verse about Helping Orphans and Widows?
It is difficult to pick just one Bible verse about helping orphans and widows since there are so many. The Old Testament has commands about harvesting that ensured the poor and the widows would get food too; this is the driving command in the story of Ruth. The early church in Acts elected deacons to monitor and ensure that widows received the help they needed, thus changing the church structure forever. But perhaps the most explicit command to help orphans and widows is found in James 1:27, which says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (ESV).
In some parts of Asia, widows are considered cursed and are cast aside by their communities and families, leaving them with no one and nowhere to turn. They struggle with abuse, hard labor, hopelessness and poverty, when they rather should be receiving honor as it says in Timothy 5:3: “Honor widows who are really widows.”
GFA seeks to follow these entreaties—keeping a pure and undefiled religion—as it works with orphans and widows throughout the world. GFA visits orphans and widows who are deep in affliction, honoring them by meeting their needs and leading them to the Lord. The ministry obeys Isaiah 1:17: “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.”
The ways GFA follows the Bible’s commands about orphans and widows are varied and creative. They include giving income-producing gifts, providing vocational training and literacy classes, meeting basic needs with food and clothes, running a child sponsorship program to ensure children get necessities covered, and so much more. Most importantly, GFA missionaries make the widows and orphans feel seen, heard and loved, which in turn, shows the widows and orphans a picture of God’s care, provision and love for them.
Following the various commands and examples from the Bible to provide for the needs of widows and orphans is not a task relegated only to missionaries. It applies to all Christians. It may be difficult to obey in our everyday lives, but we can do something. Supporting ministries like GFA ensures that widows and orphans around the world get the help they need. Consider joining in our work to reach these most-marginalized groups for Christ by praying for and donating to GFA.
Learn more about charities that help widows