What Are Organizations That Help Widows and Orphans?
GFA is one of several organizations that help widows and orphans around the world. With a focus on income-generating gifts and vocational training, as well as working to meet basic needs, GFA looks after widows and their children when no one else can or will. This opens the door to sharing the hope of the gospel message with them.
Idalene, a widow from Africa experienced this care firsthand. She said, “I consider myself an orphan because I lost everyone. But I have Jesus, and because of that, Jesus is our hope.”[1]
GFA missionaries are partially responsible for encouraging and growing her hope. They came to Idalene’s poor community, a place with little to meet the needs of its residents. They visited with and prayed for the people when many other humanitarian efforts worldwide had been halted. They passed out bags of food and other necessary supplies. All these seem like simple acts, but they meant the world to such a poor community. Idalene found comfort in her distress and realized she was not alone in her suffering. As she said, she had Jesus.
Through the missionaries’ work, Idalene’s grandson, Bret, was enrolled in GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program. In the program, Bret recevies practical provisions like basic healthcare, food, clean water, and educational and community service opportunities. With such valuable outside help, the difficult task of providing for Bret no longer falls only on his financially struggling grandmother and family. Not to mention, meeting these basic needs shows the sponsored child the love of God and how He provides for all His children, even the ones who are otherwise overlooked, the ones with widowed grandmothers. It also witnesses to the child’s family about God’s provision and care for His people.
All this took place in just one African community, and GFA has missionaries in Africa and Asia with similar, powerful stories about meeting people’s needs, showing them God’s love and hope, and changing their lives. Idalene is just one example of a life that was changed, but there are thousands of others who have been impacted by GFA’s work in helping widows and orphans.
You can join this effort by supporting GFA missionaries, giving to help widows, or sponsoring a child through GFA. Just a little kindness can be the difference between hope and despair for a widow or orphan. Meeting these earthly needs can lead to meeting their spiritual need for a Savior.
Learn more about charities that help widows[1] Gospel for Asia. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/gospelforasia. Accessed October 8, 2022.