Are There Specific 10/40 Window Prayer Points?
The fact that Christians can talk directly to God is truly incredible, and with missionaries and programs all over the world, there are a few 10/40 window prayer points that GFA World has highlighted.
GFA sent out an urgent request for prayer when the Taliban regained control of the nation of Afghanistan. When the Taliban regained control, along with them came terror and death. Christians in the country were persecuted even when U.S. troops were present. The withdrawal of those soldiers has only heightened the danger for believers, with some reports claiming the Taliban was going door to door searching for Christians. If any evidence was found on their phones that they were believers, they were instantly killed. GFA founder K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) urged, “None of us should be acting like life is ‘normal’ while our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan wait in dread for the Taliban to come to their door. God moves when we choose to enter into the suffering of others. We need to be on our knees in prayer now.”[1]
Another prayer point, which is more closely related to GFA’s ministries, is the need for blankets and winter clothes. In several of the regions where we serve, winter temperatures can be frigid, and many people live in such poverty that a new blanket or coat is out of reach. This puts them at risk for disease and death and makes it harder for missionaries to visit and share God’s love with them. Our pastors and missionaries pass out blankets and warm clothes where they can. Please pray that this work will continue, that the people who need blankets most will receive them and that the small gift of a blanket or a coat will show people God’s care for their lives.[2]
GFA also asked for prayers for church buildings. For many congregations in Asia, there is no building to host the church services, and obstacles like finances, opposition and weather prevent one from being constructed. Churches are a haven for believers and a point of curiosity for outsiders, opening the door for Gospel conversations; therefore, Christians struggle without a building of their own. We ask that you pray for donations to be given and that more and more church buildings can be erected for congregations in need.[3]
Prayer is just one way to be involved in GFA’s ministry, and there is a long list of areas that need prayer—child sponsorship, medical missions, disaster relief and serving widows. Consider partnering with us through prayer, or even financially, to support our work all over the world and within the 10/40 window.
Learn more about the 10/40 window map![1] “Monthly Prayer Focus: Urgent: Pray for Afghanistan.” GFA World. Accessed June 29, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/pray/afghanistan/.
[2] “Monthly Prayer Focus: Pray for People Who Need Blankets and Winter Clothing.” GFA World. Accessed June 29, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/pray/blankets/.
[3] “Monthly Prayer Focus: Pray for Church Buildings.” GFA World. Accessed June 29, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/pray/church/.