How Have 10/40 Window Prayer Requests Been Answered?
Of the many needs in the 10/40 window, prayer is one of the most powerful tools Christians have for missions and outreach. When believers pray, God moves.
Sister Mary is just one example of this. She grew up in a remote Asian village. She never went to school and has remained illiterate for 42 years, but that never stopped her from praying. Sister Mary traveled with her husband, a GFA pastor, and other national missionaries to meet with the suffering and needy. She saw God move in people’s lives and wanted to keep experiencing His power, so she started a prayer group in her home village. They gathered weekly to pray, and news of the group quickly spread. Many traveled to receive hope and healing from Sister Mary and her companions’ prayers. Sister Mary recalled, “There were many people from far villages who were affected by fatal sicknesses like cancer. Many came for prayer, and many got healed … There were some who were blind, some were paralyzed, and the Lord healed them. … We read the Bible to them and prayed for them, and the Lord healed them.”
For many, it was the first time they realized that there really was a God who cared for them. The prayer group eventually became too big to meet in Sister Mary’s house, especially since people would often drop off ill family members to be cared for until they were healed—some staying for weeks or months. So, Mary did what she always did and prayed. God answered her prayers, and the group got a new building, christened “Bethsaida Prayer Center,” inspired by Jesus healing the man by the pool of Bethsaida. The Center grew to see 3,000 to 4,000 people pass through each year. God was healing thousands through Mary’s simple prayers and those of her team.
Sister Mary continued to pray and see healing and salvation among the sick. God protected her from two attempts on her life. One of the men who attacked her later came to Mary for prayer, was healed and found salvation in Christ. “I am so happy and glad that the Lord not only hears our prayers, but He also answers,” Sister Mary said. “I know that the Lord is able to do what man is not able to do. … I always want to be surrounded by His presence.”[1]
Sister Mary’s story is just one of many about God’s faithfulness to answer prayers. GFA World works in many nations, several of them located within the 10/40 window, and there are many examples of God’s power at work. Consider partnering with us in prayer or financially contributing to our ministries around the world.
Learn more about the 10/40 window map![1] “The Lord Is with Me when I Pray.” GFA World. September 2019. https://gfanews.org/gfa-world-magazine/prayer-the-lord-is-with-me-when-i-pray/.