Access to Clean Drinking Water Solutions
Every year, GFA works hard to give more impoverished people better access to clean drinking water solutions.
For many years, GFA World has focused it’s clean water efforts on two main water solutions when it comes to giving people the gift of clean, pure, life-enhancing water.
Jesus Wells
At least 2 billion people drink water from unmanaged and unsafe sources that contain feces.[1] They are forced to drink from surface water than can be contaminated by disease-causing pathogens. Unprotected or poorly constructed wells can also contain arsenic and other toxins that cause dire health problems.
GFA World digs wells up to 600 feet deep to ensure they deliver clean water every day, year-round, even during otherwise devastating droughts.
Each Jesus Well freely gives about 300 people pure water to drink, use for washing dishes and for practicing disease-reducing hygiene habits.
GFA also makes sure that its wells don’t fall into disrepair. GFA trains local church leaders to lubricate hand pumps and make any repairs needed. GFA trusts the India Mark II handpump, which we install on most of our Jesus Wells. It’s the most heavy-duty and popular pump employed.[2] Local parts and local manufacturers make it cost effective.
We also stimulate the regional economy by hiring local drillers and laborers to build Jesus Wells. As a result, we can drill deep wells for on average only $5 a person. Our wells can support the health and wellbeing of on average, 300 people, 24/7, for around 20 years.
BioSand Water Filters
When it’s not feasible to drill a well, GFA has another solution: BioSand water filters.
These simple and sturdy filters, made of concrete and filled with sand and rocks, remove 98% of impurities in water.
They provide access to clean drinking water solutions for only $30.
An entire family benefits from the filtered water, which saves children and adults from disease and even death. These inexpensive filters, given freely to families, last up to 20 years.
Through GFA’s combined water solutions, we have improved the health, and therefore the hope and possibilities, of 38 million people throughout Asia, and more recently, Africa.
Learn more about water solutions1 “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.” UN Water. https://www.unwater.org/water-facts/water-sanitation-and-hygiene/. Accessed February 25, 2022.
2 Wood, Michael. “Are handpumps really affordable?” 20th WEDC Conference. https://wedc-knowledge.lboro.ac.uk/resources/conference/20/Wood.pdf.