Water Solutions
Hydration is essential for life, and that’s why water solutions through technology and access to clean drinking water solutions are so important. It is estimated that 785 million people lack a basic drinking water source—either fresh water isn’t available nearby or the water that is available is contaminated.
What is the answer to the growing problem of fresh water scarcity?
Here are four important clean water solutions to consider:
Advancements in Desalination
Cleaning up the water is essential and so is finding other sources of water for the growing population. Desalination is the process of removing mineral components from a substance. In this instance, we’re referring to transforming saline water into fresh water. This makes it safe for humans to drink. Advancements in desalination are promising, but not yet available on a large scale. One report expects desalination capacity to double between 2016 and 2030!1
Major advancements are being reported from around the globe. New methods of desalination are being invented and these methods could be transformational to the water crisis.
Education and Infrastructure
New behaviors are paramount in ending the water crisis. This includes changing the norm for individuals as well as industrial use.
Improving infrastructure and educating community leaders regarding this need is also essential. While infrastructure improvements are most needed in the developing world, the developed world also has areas where significant investment is needed. It is imperative to continue infrastructure improvements so less water is wasted.
Organizations around the world are fighting the water crisis on a microlevel and greatly impacting communities and families. For example, GFA World provides solutions for communities through Jesus Wells and BioSand water filters. Over two decades, the ministry has drilled over 30,000 wells in needy villages across Asia. In many of these communities, people were walking hours for water and oftentimes that water was contaminated and unsafe for drinking. Waterborne disease was often the result. GFA wells provide a safe and clean source of water in individual communities. Dug as deep as needed, the wells provide water even in seasons of drought. The wells are maintained by a local church and last approximately 20 years.
GFA World also provides the micro-solution of BioSand water filters, an effective way of purifying water in individual homes or a small community. The filters clean water from impurities and make it safe for drinking, cooking and household use. With clean water available for years to come, families are able to live healthier lives.
Addressing Water Pollution
In the area of addressing water pollution, Singapore is a success story! The British settled in Singapore in 1819 and the island city-state in Southeast Asia became focused on the Singapore River. Trade was the main goal for the colonization of the island and global and regional trade on the river resulted in pollution—sewage, garbage, and industrial waste. The main culprits were industrial water pollution, domestic waste from thousands of squatters living along the water, and farm waste.
Starting in 1822, and continuing for over 100 years, solutions to the water pollution in Singapore were suggested, but none of them were successfully implemented. Then in 1969, Singapore put in motion a plan that launched lasting solutions. The steps taken cost $300 million. Sources of pollution were removed from the river. They also cleaned and dredged the water and concentrated on awareness programs so the public would understand the importance of clean water.
One of the main sources of pollution was domestic. To reduce this, people living along the banks of the river were relocated. By 1977, many sources of pollution had been eliminated, but 44,000 people were still living in unsanitary conditions along the river and over 1000 farms were draining waste into the river. More work still needed to be done. Gradually, over the next decade these changes took place and river cleaning programs progressed. The water pollution solutions were effective and impacted lives!
The benefits were astounding.
“When the costs of the rivers cleaning programme are compared with the benefits, it is clear that it was an excellent investment,” said lead author Cecilia Tortajada. “The river cleaning programme had numerous direct and indirect benefits, since it unleashed many development-related activities which transformed the face of Singapore and enhanced its image as a model city in terms of urban planning and development. Most important, however, was that the population achieved better quality of life.”2
What is a summary of the water shortage problem and solution?
1 Voutchkov, Nikolay. “Desalination – Past, Present and Future. International Water Association. https://iwa-network.org/desalination-past-present-future/. August 17, 2016.
2 Tortajada, Cecilia; Joshi, Yugal Kishore; and Biswas, Asit K. “Clean-up Of The Singapore River: Before And After.” Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS, Singapore, and Third World Centre for Water Management, Mexico. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234094931_Clean_Up_of_the_Singapore_River_Before_and_After/link/0fcfd50f064d28fbb2000000/download. April 5, 2012.