Underprivileged Kids in Asia: Charity Can Help
For the many underprivileged kids in Asia, charity may be the only way out of their struggles. Poverty affects around 736 million people globally, many of them children, and the global poverty rate rose to 9.3% in 2020 versus an 8.4% rate in 2019.[1]
Many of the people living under this global poverty line are children. Because their families lack funds—or the kids simply don’t have families—many children don’t have proper housing, hygiene, healthcare or education. Missing these essentials leads to further complications including disease, discrimination and death.[2]
The situation may seem grim, but there is help for these underprivileged kids in Asia: charity. Organizations like GFA World have made it their mission to work with local, regional and national governments to help the impoverished in Africa and Asia, underprivileged kids, and others affected by poverty. Through our missionaries, gifts to meet basic needs, and GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program, we can make a huge difference for these children.
Venita’s father, Kadan, worked as a day laborer in Asia. He could barely earn enough money to support his wife and four children. Kadan’s drinking problem further drained the family’s finances, making it even more difficult to cover all the basic needs. Venita, Kadan’s daughter, attended school some, but between the low priority her community placed on female education and a lack of supplies and study materials, it was quite a difficult thing for her. She struggled along and fell way behind until one day, someone told Venita and her family that GFA child sponsorship was nearby. The program provided school supplies, nutritious food and tutoring assistance. Despite not caring much for female education, the impoverished family entered Venita into the program at age eight.
With the love and support of the program staff, Venita quickly caught up in her studies and participated in extracurricular activities like music and art. She was able to attend a medical camp where she got glasses that let her see the world clearly for the very first time. Venita finished high school and went on to college where she was a member of the student government, addressing various student issues in her time there. She finished her bachelor’s degree with good grades, and now, Venita tutors children, giving them the same tools she once received herself to achieve a brighter future. She can even support her family financially.[3]
There are many stories from all over the world of how GFA World has helped kids; Asia, Africa, have powerful accounts from people just like Venita. Children involved in GFA World’s sponsorship program get access to the essentials but also to things that will help them achieve more in life.
Some potential benefits include things like:
- Food that wards off starvation and provides children with essential nutrients and vitamins.
- Clean water through community wells or filtration systems.
- Hygiene training about the need for handwashing and teeth-brushing, which includes providing toothbrushes and toothpaste.
- Healthcare to help fight off and prevent disease using immunizations, checkups, diagnoses, and treatments.
- Recreational activities that help kids gain confidence and social skills.
- Sanitation facilities that make living situations healthier by disposing of human waste properly.
- Educational opportunities that stop illiteracy and open doors for the future.
- Community service activities that show kids the value of investing in others.
- Training for parents in vocations and other community training.[4]
How many kids does South Asia have? One country in South Asia has the largest adolescent population in the world; every fifth person in that country is between 10 and 19.[5] This is a massive mission field, especially because so many are underprivileged kids in Asia. Charity is a way to meet their basic physical needs, so the children can then start to understand their spiritual needs. A missionary, teacher or sponsor provide a child with love and provision, showing them the love and provision of God. Someone taking the time to care for the least of these proves to them how amazing God is. GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program leads to hope for a future for these kids and their families.
Monthly sponsors are vital for the survival of this program. One sponsor, Crystal, said, “God placed in my heart to help. We are blessed to live in a country with so much more than we ever need. How much do we spend selfishly? Doesn’t God say to give to the poor, widowed, and orphan?”[6]
Consider joining GFA World and helping these underprivileged, impoverished kids. Just $35 a month can help free a child from a cycle of poverty, show them the love of God, and transform entire families and communities.
Learn more about why is child labor bad?[1] “Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2022: Correcting Course.” The World Bank. https://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/poverty-and-shared-prosperity. Accessed October 8, 2022.
[2] Holt, Palmer, “Poverty: Public Enemy #1” GFA Special Report. https://www.gfa.org/special-report/poverty-alleviation/. October 17, 2019.
[3] “Finding Her True Destiny.” Gospel for Asia Newsletter. https://gfa-newsletter.org/issue/18/5/finding-her-true-destiny. August 2021.
[4] “Sponsor a Child with GFA World.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/sponsorachild/. Accessed October 8, 2022.
[5] “Children in India.” Unicef. https://www.unicef.org/india/children-in-india. Accessed October 8, 2022.
[6] “Sponsor a Child with GFA World.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/sponsorachild/. Accessed October 8, 2022.