How Can I Help Build a Water Well for Charity?
Your desire to help build a water well for charity is a noble one! Consider the following questions when selecting a water well charity. We’ll list GFA’s answers as examples.
Discover the organization’s philosophy and mission. Do they focus primarily on wells, or do they have other ministries as well?
Our mission in life is to be devout followers of Christ and to live lives fully pleasing to Him. God has given us a special love for people in need who do not know of Christ’s Love, and it is our desire to minister to them and help them through ministries like education programs, health initiatives and practical gifts, and through the spiritual transformation that brings about peaceful hearts, restored relationships and mended lives. We do this all in community and in partnership with the global Body of Christ.
Some organizations work only in Africa. Others focus on Asia or other areas where clean water is in short supply.
GFA works primarily in Asia, but we recently started working in Africa as well, providing ministry to the neediest of people in Rwanda.
Does the organization have its own well drilling equipment, or do they source the work locally? When the well breaks down, who fixes it?
GFA uses locals to drill the well. This keeps the costs lower and stimulates the local economy. Wells are generally maintained by local churches, who are responsible to do necessary repairs and keep the area around the well clean and welcoming.
Are the wells dug deep enough for the people to access water in dry seasons?
GFA is committed to providing water year-round, so we drill the wells deep enough to do so. Wells can be drilled 300 meters or deeper to ensure year-round supply.
Organizations should be able to tell you how long an average well lasts.
GFA wells last around 10-20 years. The very first well we drilled in Asia has lasted longer than the expected 20 years and is still going strong.
GFA’s results have been phenomenal. Throughout our history, we have drilled a cumulative total of more than 30,000 wells throughout Asia, and are planning on drilling wells in Africa soon.
GFA can provide safe, clean drinking water to approximately 300 people per day for at least 10 years at an average cost of $1400 per well, which means a donor can supply clean water for a decade for an entire family of six for only $30!