Why Is Girls’ Education in South Asia Discouraged?
Girls’ education in South Asia is discouraged because of long-held beliefs and cultural norms. Throughout the region’s history, different religious and political systems contributed to the views on women, especially the views on widows. Women came to be known as a financial liability for families who would have to pay a dowry for them to marry. In general, women are seen as not adding to but taking away from a family’s stability. All of these views influence the lack of education for girls.
If a family is struggling to make ends meet and must make choices about expenses, they will forgo school fees out of necessity. Girls become caretakers of the home and siblings so that parents can work. Or worse, they start to work far too young or become a child bride. Their choices and future expectations are often limited. Little girls don’t know how to dream of what they will be when they grow up.
Yet, this tide is shifting. The government and activists in South Asia have worked to change this. In 1951, female literacy rates in South Asia were only 8.9%. By 2011, those rates reached 65.46% and are still rising.1 This commitment and partnership between government and nonprofit work is paying off.
GFA World adds to the change in these statistics, by coming alongside natives in South Asia who work with GFA to ensure children can stay in school through GFA’s Child Sponsorship Program. Through generous sponsors like you, GFA workers make sure that a sponsored child receives a good meal, clean water, help with school fees and assistance with homework. This takes an enormous amount of pressure off the parents’ budget and gives peace of mind, knowing someone is caring for their child.
Just $35 a month makes this happen for a girl who may otherwise never see a classroom, let alone dream of the future. Many children in the program are able to stay in school, excel in their studies and go on to further education. Simply ensuring they acquire literacy and numeracy skills gives these children a huge step out of poverty.
Join GFA in a simple but proven way of helping girls receive an education in South Asia by sponsoring a child today. You can know that your gift and support are pushing the statistics in the right direction, as well as helping to introduce them to Jesus Christ through the loving care of GFA workers.
Learn more about girls in developing countries1 Dr. Sahu, Jayadev and Rajesh Hajare, Shri. “Girls education in India.” India Parliament. July 2018.