Writing the Future Together: Building Relationships With Sponsored Children
Child sponsorship is a powerful tool that has been adapted by Christian ministries and NGOs alike, providing education, sustenance, and other benefits to impoverished children. We will delve into the process of choosing a child for sponsorship and building relationships with sponsored children, with a particular focus on the approach of GFA World.
The Sponsorship Interaction: A Two-Way Relationship
Sponsorship interaction is a two-way relationship that goes beyond financial support. It involves communication, emotional investment, and in some cases, personal visits. For instance, Compassion International, a well-known organization built on child sponsorship, translated and sent 4.9 million letters from sponsored children to U.S. sponsors in 2020. These letters serve as a testament to the power of relationship, reminding children that they are loved, remembered, and important.[1]
The selection process in child sponsorship is crucial as it sets the foundation for a meaningful relationship between the sponsor and the child. It’s not just about choosing a child to support; it’s about creating a bond that can positively impact both parties. For instance, World Vision’s “Chosen” program allows children to select their donors, a unique twist that aims to empower children and balance the power dynamics.[2]
GFA World’s Approach to Child Sponsorship
GFA World operates a child sponsorship program in Asia and Africa, providing children with the attention and resources they need to thrive. For over 15 years, GFA World’s holistic approach to assisting impoverished children has transformed the lives of more than 140,000 girls and boys. By providing care, education, nutrition, and hope, GFA World’s child sponsorship program empowers children to aim for and achieve their dreams.[3]
The Impact of Sponsorship: A Closer Look at the Data
Research has shown that child sponsorship has significant impacts on the lives of children. A study conducted by University of San Francisco economics professor Bruce Wydick and his associates found that sponsorship made large, significant impacts on years of schooling and the probability and quality of employment. The study, which analyzed data from six countries for children sponsored by Compassion International, found that sponsored children exhibited higher levels of self-esteem, aspirations, and self-expectations—and lower levels of hopelessness.[4]
Child sponsorship is more than a charitable act; it’s a transformative process that can lift children out of poverty and give them a chance at a better future. By joining GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program, you can be part of this transformative process and make a lasting impact on a child’s life.
Learn more about child sponsorship models[1] “Compassion International crosses $1 billion milestone.” Colorado Springs Gazette. November 1, 2020. https://gazette.com/life/compassion-international-crosses-1-billion-milestone/article_4131990a-187b-11eb-9f03-5ff71a170a62.html.
[2] World Vision. “Chosen,” September 6, 2022. https://www.worldvision.org/sponsor-a-child/chosen.
[3] GFA World. “Sponsor a Child: GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program.” Accessed November 15, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/sponsorachild/.
[4] Wydick, Bruce. “Does International Child Sponsorship Work? A Six-Country Study of Impacts on Adult Life Outcomes.” Journal of Political Economy, April 1, 2013. https://doi.org/0022-3808/2013/12102-0002$10.00.