How can I support a charity building wells in Africa?
A charity building wells in Africa needs financial and prayer partners like you to continue to purchase well parts, pay drillers and maintain current wells with needed parts and upkeep. Even in arid continents like Africa, groundwater is available below the surface to access through well drilling.
According to Off the Grid News, “Groundwater tends to run in aquifers, which are layers of water trapped in porous stone or sand. But if your underlying geology is rock, it may not be porous enough to allow water to flow through the rock.” It’s important to understand the terrain and have a possible idea of where the aquifers are located.[1]
GFA also uses mechanical pumps instead of electrical. Not only are these easier to maintain, but electricity cannot be relied on in many parts of the world, including where we serve in Asia and Africa. Local church members are taught how to maintain the well and its parts, and they commit to making sure it runs smoothly. Properly maintained wells can run for decades.
Once the best place to drill is located, a drill with the ability to go quite deep is needed. GFA World always drills its Jesus Wells in Asia to a depth of 600 feet. This has proven to be a safe and reliable depth to protect the water source from surface contamination and from weather issues, like floods or drought. There are other ways to drill, such as hand digging, but pipe drilling is more efficient and much safer. GFA employs local contractors in order to keep the costs down.
You can help make this happen by donating toward GFA water projects. Our clean water solutions are economical to provide and are easily maintained for decades. For instance, the well pump can run 20 million cycles of water and is serviced by parts that are easy to acquire and install.
Consider gifting a Jesus Well today. You may want to make this a small group effort with your church or ask your family members to join you in giving this incredible gift. Join us in our proven water-well processes by funding a well and make a difference for people in need.
Water is a basic and daily necessity for humanity. Would you please give that gift today?
Learn more about building wells in Africa[1] “How To Find the Best Place To Drill Your Own Well.” Off the Grid News. Accessed August 11, 2023. https://www.offthegridnews.com/how-to-2/how-to-find-the-best-place-to-dig-your-own-well/.