Why Is There a Water Crisis in Africa?
There is a water crisis in Africa due to several factors. There are currently more than 1.2 billion people on the continent of Africa, which is comprised of 54 separate countries.[1] Each has unique cultural, geographical, economic and governmental situations that affect the availability of water in that region.
One of Africa’s leading factors in the water crisis is population growth. Rates of growth hover around two and three percent for many of these separate countries, meaning that the continent will gain approximately 3.5 million people yearly.[2] There is not enough water for the current population.
The World Resources Institute reports, “Inequitable access to basic water services, loss of natural water systems, unplanned urban expansion, and more frequent and intense droughts and floods will undermine the security, well-being and development prospects of Africa’s urban dwellers — 60% of whom live in slums.”[3]
The expansion of cities can be good and helpful for the population, but if the area’s geography and water sources are not considered, it puts everyone at risk. The annual vacillation between drought and flood often exacerbates the issues in Africa, especially when it leaves the available water contaminated.
GFA World recognizes the vital role clean water plays in the life of every human being. Those of us with a tap to turn on and off can find it hard to imagine the daily, uncertain search for a clean water source and the stress that brings. Likewise, it can be difficult to imagine making the decision to use water that is known to be unclean.
GFA World has one of the most affordable and sustainable solutions to the issue of clean water. By introducing the BioSand Filter to regions with water issues, GFA can help families and communities move from water scarcity and contamination to water security and health.
The BioSand Filter does not require electricity or expensive parts. It uses gravity and four layers of filters that take contaminated water to 98 percent clean, eliminating debris, microbes, viruses and more. It can last, with proper maintenance, for up to 20 years and serve a family or even a small village. They simply pour the available water into the top and let gravity and natural filtration elements to do their job, producing vastly cleaner water for cooking, cleaning and hygiene. This can be the difference for many families between barely surviving and thriving in life.
Each filter is only $30 to sponsor. Imagine the incredible freedom and peace you can give a family in Africa or Asia today by purchasing one (or more!) of these life-saving filters. Your gift can change a life, and you can feel wonderful that the GFA missionary who brings it to them will also bring the Good News of Jesus’ love for them, too.
Learn more about Africa water crisis[1] “Population, total – South Africa, Central African Republic, Sub-Saharan Africa.” The World Bank. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?locations=ZA-CF-ZG. Accessed December 19, 2022.
[2] “The African demographic dividend: how to reach its full potential?.” Entreprenante Afrique. https://www.entreprenanteafrique.com/en/african-demographic-dividend/. February 27, 2019.
[3] Rogier van den Berg, Betsy Otto and Aklilu Fikresilassie. “As Cities Grow Across Africa, They Must Plan for Water Security.” https://www.wri.org/insights/cities-grow-across-africa-they-must-plan-water-security. May 11, 2021.