Can We Share Jesus’ Love Through a Clean Water Christian Organization?
Water is so critical to our existence that it has become a symbol for life itself. The Bible speaks of the “water of life” in John 4 and calls Jesus the Living Water. It’s no surprise that water is an important part of many Christian organizations. God is using GFA World, a clean water Christian organization, to spread the message of this Living Water.
For over 20 years, we’ve used water to bring Jesus’ love to communities across South Asia. When a local missionary sees a need for a well, we provide a well through the generosity of our donors. These wells are called Jesus Wells.
GFA pastor Kirk was very aware of the illnesses that came from unclean water in a neighboring village, so he started praying for a resolution. One man in particular touched Pastor Kirk’s heart. His name was Laul, and he was often plagued with typhoid fever, a waterborne illness. He struggled with fever and aches. The doctors were unable to help, and his illness stole away his livelihood, which sent his family into poverty.
Pastor Kirk prayed for a water well for Laul’s community and God answered. The village was so excited as they watched the laborers drill down 650 feet, ensuring the water would be accessible even in the dry seasons. Then a heavy-duty handpump was installed and a plaque with John 4:13-14 inscribed on it:
“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’”
The entire village knew that the well was given to them in the name of Jesus!
The well was put under a local pastor’s care and the believers in the village learned how to maintain it. The villagers began to listen to Pastor Kirk as he shared about Jesus. They even began to call the pastor and ask for prayer. The people no longer suffer from waterborne illnesses, and they have safe water for drinking and cooking.
Laul’s family began to listen to Pastor Kirk, too, and the pastor urgently prayed for Laul’s healing. After a few weeks, God healed Laul of the typhoid fever! After this miracle, Laul and his family understood the hope of Jesus and began attending church.
Because of the Jesus Well, this community is healthier, both physically and spiritually.