What Do Water Wells in Africa Accomplish?
As water scarcity increases, water wells in Africa and all over the world are becoming more and more important. Globally, at least 1.8 billion people use a drinking water source that is contaminated by feces. This leads to the transmission of diseases like diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio. Over half a million deaths are caused by diarrhea each year. There has been some progress—since 1990, 2.6 billion people have gained access to improved drinking water sources—but it is still estimated that by 2025, half the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas.[1]
GFA World is working to alleviate the water crisis through our clean water projects including Jesus Wells like water infrastructure improvements and bore wells, as well as BioSand water filters. One example of a Jesus Well at work is in Fauna’s remote village in Asia. The only water pump in the area was too far to collect water from, so Fauna and her family had to drink dirty water from unprotected sources. Often, surface water in these areas is tainted with arsenic, fecal matter or other dangerous pollutants. Cadee, Fauna’s daughter, began having kidney problems—the latest in her constant string of illnesses. Malfunctioning kidneys meant Cadee’s body could not rid itself of toxins, leading to more infections. Kidney disease can also affect energy, sleep, skin, appetite and concentration, as well as causing swelling or muscle aches. As a day laborer, Fauna could not afford a water filter. She could only watch as her daughter suffered without the desperately needed clean water.
One day, a GFA pastor visited Fauna’s village and met her. Fauna had heard of the pastor, so she knew he prayed for the sick and helped people in need. Maybe he could help her family too. Fauna told him about Cadee’s illness and their struggles and asked if he could pray for them. The pastor listened and told her about the miraculous power of Christ. God could heal Cadee. After praying for Cadee, the pastor gave Fauna his phone number so she could reach him if she needed. She did the next day, and the pastor came to their house again where he learned more about the family’s lack of clean water. In response, he told Fauna more about the Living Water and the possibility of a Jesus Well that could meet their physical needs. Fauna embraced Christ’s love and found hope and peace. She continued to pray for the installation of the well. God soon honored her faithful request, and a Jesus Well was drilled, blessing the entire village. Fauna and her family could start leading new, healthy lives with clean, clear water.[2]
There are many villages all over the world just like Fauna’s where lack of access to clean water leads to sickness and hopelessness.
Consider joining GFA as we install freshwater projects in Africa and around the world, meeting physical needs and showing the love of God.
Learn more about wells in Africa[1] “Water.” WHO African Region. Accessed July 29, 2023. https://www.afro.who.int/health-topics/water.
[2] “Well Halts Family’s Troublesome Stream.” GFA World. March 2022. https://gfanews.org/featured-stories/gfa-jesus-well-halts-familys-stream-of-waterborne-troubles-2/