Why Should We Install Clean Water Wells in Africa?
Installing clean water wells in Africa is one way to help the millions of people who do not have access to safe water. In 2010, the United Nations officially declared water a fundamental human right; however, 300 million Africans do not have clean water, and 700 million are living without adequate sanitation. This lack of access to good water impairs poverty reduction and hinders economic prosperity. Sub-Saharan Africa loses 5 percent of its GDP per year because of water-related challenges. And about 40 billion hours per year, which could have been spent on productive activities, are spent searching for water.[1]
These numbers are heartbreaking, and GFA World is seeking to address this problem by installing clean water projects we call Jesus Wells in the countries we serve. Here is just one story of the impact of a Jesus Well: The village in Asia where 60-year-old Shriya lived struggled because of water scarcity in the area. The wealthy in the community had private wells drilled near their homes, but the poor had to walk long distances to find water in brooks or streams tucked deep in the jungle. Shriya couldn’t go. It was too difficult for her to haul buckets of water from far-off rivers to her house, and since she was a childless widow, there was no one to help her with the task. Then, GFA World drilled a well in the village near Shriya’s home. Finally, Shriya and the other villagers had a local source of pure, drinkable water! “When the church constructed a Jesus Well near my house,” Shriya said, “I was so happy and was comforted. I thank [GFA World] for providing us this Jesus Well free of cost. It seems like this well was installed just for me.”[2]
Everyone in a village can access clean water from the well—regardless of social standing, religion or wealth—so not only do GFA’s Jesus Wells meet a physical need, but they display God’s love for all people. The wells each display an inscription of John 4:14, which says, “But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”[3] Seeing God’s love at work in so tangible a way leads many to find hope in Christ.
The ministry of GFA’s Jesus Wells relies on donations from believers. Consider joining the effort to install fresh water projects in Africa and around the world in areas with no source of clean water. The wells meet a critical physical need and also reveal God’s love to those who come to drink.
Learn more about wells in Africa[1] Gachanja, Nelly. “The Challenge: Clean and Safe Water.” Africa.com. October 21, 2020. https://www.africa.com/clean-fresh-water/.
[2] “Jesus Well Ends Thirsty Walk Home.” GFA World. April 9, 2012. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2012/04/jesus-well-ends-thirsty-walk-home/.
[3] Ibid.