GFA World is Joining the War on Poverty with Proven Strategies
Many organizations around the globe are passionate about joining the war on poverty. Though poverty is a massive challenge, substantive progress is being made.
Here are some proven strategies in the war on poverty:
There is a direct link between education and poverty. As children stay in school and gain an education, they receive the ability to thrive and uproot poverty. In fact, education is key to fight against poverty, but the lack of it continues the poverty cycle.
According to UNESCO, “poverty and low education are each self-perpetuating: Those born into poverty (or illiterate households) often live the remainder of their lives in that same condition and have nothing more to offer their children.”[1] In addition, it appears as though poverty and illiteracy have a strong magnetic connection that pulls individuals who are stuck in one cycle even further into the other.
GFA World is committed to helping kids to stay in school through the child sponsorship program.
This help may come in the form of tuition assistance or making sure the child has the needed supplies for school. GFA knows that when students are in school, they are less likely to be targeted by those with nefarious intentions, such as those involved in child labor or human trafficking. Children receive many benefits essentials in the child sponsorship program, such as clean water, tutoring, community involvement, etc. The program also provides families a simple solution to food poverty through nutritious food and other supplies.
Adult education is also crucial. Adults who can read and write are more likely to keep their children in school.
GFA World teaches adult literacy so parents can thrive themselves and help their children in their studies.
When parents or teachers provide those young people an education that is filled with empowering ideas, the future is filled with amazing opportunity. Just one generation later, the foundation of world poverty trembles.[2]
When children and adults value honesty, diligence, respect, compassion, and life, they have the foundation to change their community. Many people around the world don’t value these characteristics. This doesn’t mean that every person living in poverty lacks character. It simply means that when children are taught these ideals, they learn how to change the world around them.[3]
The children in GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program learn the values of honesty, diligence, respect, compassion, kindness and more. They also learn that their lives matter because God made them unique and in His image. No matter how poor their families are, they can gradually gain courage and motivation to fulfill their dreams. They learn that they can become well-rounded adults, and they begin to see beyond their current circumstances.
Opportunities to Rise
One small gift can make a life-changing difference in a family’s future. For example, when a family receives chickens, the eggs can be sold in the market or eaten for nutrition. Or when a family is gifted with pigs, these pigs can be bred and sold.
When families have been living in a cycle of poverty for generations, it often takes an outside force to break through that cycle. This outside force might simply be a pair of chickens or goats. Or maybe it’s a tailoring class and a gift of a sewing machine. Simple, income-generating gifts can dramatically change a family’s future. So far, nearly 2 million families have been helped through such gifts through GFA World.[4]
These opportunities to rise might also come in the form of literacy training. When adults learn to read, they are more qualified for higher-income jobs. They can also read signs, instructions, warning labels and help their children with homework. Literate adults are also less likely to be taken advantage of in the marketplace.[5]
Why is poverty a problem? When the aspects above are lacking, poverty is often the result, often affecting multiple generations and entire communities. When those aspects are added into a culture, however, poverty alleviation or improvement becomes the outcome.
Will you join us in the war on poverty in Africa and Asia? We’ve been helping people in need since 1979 and have developed very effective strategies through our more than 40 years of service. Through our experience, we’ve seen lives changed and the statistics of poverty impacted. Together we can transform lives and communities by showing Christ’s love in word and in deed.
Learn more about period poverty[1] UNESCO. Teaching and Learning: Achieving quality for all. EFA Global Monitoring Report. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002256/225660e.pdf. 2014.
[2] “Solutions to Poverty-line Problems of the Poor and Impoverished.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/special-report/solutions-extreme-poverty-line-poor-impoverished/#poverty-line-solutions. October 14, 2020.
[3] “Solutions to Poverty-line Problems of the Poor and Impoverished.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/special-report/solutions-extreme-poverty-line-poor-impoverished/#poverty-line-solutions. October 14, 2020.
[4] “Poverty: Public Enemy #1.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/special-report/poverty-alleviation. October 17, 2019.
[5] “The Importance of Adult Literacy.” Seeds of Literacy. https://www.seedsofliteracy.org/the-importance-of-adult-literacy/. Accessed November 28, 2022.