What Impact Does Girl Child Education Have on a Girl’s Future?
The level of a girl child’s education significantly impacts her future and the future of her family. This is especially true in developing countries where many girls are unable to attend school. Sometimes the school lacks the sanitation facilities that a girl requires or her family simply cannot afford to send her to school. No matter the situation, a lack of education often keeps girls stuck in the cycle of poverty.
Here are some ways education can dramatically impact a girl’s future:
- Education delays marriage. This may seem insignificant, but in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, it is crucial as it impacts child marriage rates. When girls are in school, they are less likely to marry prior to age 18.[1]
- Education significantly increases lifetime earnings.[2] This benefits individuals as well as communities. Millions of educated girls could boost global economy by up to $12 trillion USD.[3] Educated women are also better able to provide for their families and help them out of poverty.
- Child and maternal mortality rates decrease. While reporting on a recent study, EuroHealthNet says, “The meta-analysis found that each additional year of fathers’ and mothers’ schooling is linked to a reduction in under-5 mortality of 1.6% and 3.0% respectively.”[4]
- Educated girls are typically healthier citizens and lead more stable lives. And when women and girls are educated, communities benefit. According to the Malala Fund: “When a country gives all its children secondary education, they cut their risk of war in half. Education is vital for security around the world because extremism grows alongside inequality.”[5]
While these facts are fascinating, it is important to remember that three-quarters of all primary-age children who may never set foot in school are girls (9 million).[6] Understanding this, GFA World promotes girls’ education in South Asia and parts of Africa. Through GFA’s child sponsorship program, girls are able to attend school even when their parents are unable to pay for tuition or school supplies. Education is a priority for GFA because of the distinct connection between lack of education and poverty. When kids attend school, they see beyond their circumstances. They can see that hope is obtainable.
Will you sponsor a girl today? Help her see beyond poverty and achieve her dreams.
Learn more about sponsoring a girl education[1] Barclay, Heather. “Ending child marriage is the key to keeping girls in education – our message to G7 leaders.” Girls Not Brides. https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/articles/ending-child-marriage-is-the-key-to-keeping-girls-in-education-our-message-to-g7-leaders/. September 16 2019.
[2] “Girls’ Education.” Unicef. https://www.unicef.org/education/girls-education. Accessed October 14, 2022.
[3] “Girls Education.” Malala Fund. https://malala.org/girls-education#:~:text=Educated%20girls%20are%20healthier%20citizens,mortality%20and%20child%20marriage%20rates. Accessed October 14, 2022.
[4] “Education provides a path to reduce child mortality.” EuroHealthNet. https://eurohealthnet.eu/publication/education-provides-a-path-to-reduced-child-mortality-new-chain-ihme-study-finds/#:~:text=Over%2012%20years%20of%20a,decrease%20linked%20to%20maternal%20education. June 11, 2021.
[5] “Girls Education.” Malala Fund. https://malala.org/girls-education#:~:text=Educated%20girls%20are%20healthier%20citizens,mortality%20and%20child%20marriage%20rates. Accessed October 14, 2022.
[6] “#HerEducationOurFuture.” Unesco. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000380827. 2022.