How to Donate a Cow or Water Buffalo—What Do I Need to Know?
As Christmas draws closer, people wonder how to donate a cow or water buffalo as a gift to a family in poverty. The process is very easy. You can select a cow at the GFA World Christmas Gift Catalog online, and with your simple donation, it will be gifted to a family in need in Asia or Africa. Each cow helps break the cycle of poverty and shows God’s love in a powerful way.
Cows and water buffalo can make a life-changing difference to a family in need. A gift of these animals provides milk to drink or sell, manure to use on the farm or in the garden, dung to burn, and power to plow the fields. As more cows or water buffalo are added to the herd, offspring can be sold at the market, providing significant income to the family.
Rajvi and Parash,[1] a family in Asia, live as farmers with their four young children. The family suffered illness and was forced to sell their cows in order to buy medicine. The parents began to work in manual labor but couldn’t provide for the family. With each day, poverty tightened its grip on them.
Mairava, a GFA pastor, knew of the family’s struggle, and he set out to help. The Lord directed him to a solution! Through a gift distribution by GFA World, the family received a cow! The cow provided fresh and nutritious milk, and the dung served as a fertilizer for their vegetable garden. Later, the cow provided 2 calves!
What a great example of how the gift of a cow or water buffalo can make a tremendous impact on a family in Africa or Asia. Will you join us this Christmas by selecting a gift from our Christmas Gift Catalog? By doing so, you will be helping a family break through the cycle of poverty and discover hope for the future.
“Since our grandchildren are all adults now, we like to order a gift from the GFA catalog in their name for Christmas instead of purchasing a gift. They seem to really like the idea that their Christmas gift goes to help others.” —Darlene, from Washington[2]
Join Darlene and purchase a transformative gift for those in poverty. It will be a Christmas gift that can change a life! Learn more about how to sponsor a family for Christmas!
Learn more about how to sponsor a family for Christmas![1] “The Many Blessings of a Cow.” GFA World. November 3, 2019. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2019/11/many-blessings-cow.
[2] “Christmas 2024 Gift Catalog.” GFA World. Accessed November 8, 2024. https://www.gfa.org/gift.