Is It an Effective Gift to Donate a Chicken to A Family in Poverty?
When you donate a chicken or a pair of chickens to a family in need, you gift a source of income to a family! You also supply the family with nutritious protein to eat! In Africa and Asia, GFA World and our generous donors are providing chickens to those who need them most. Will you join us in this effort?
Anhithi, Uuktha, Asdita and Risha[1] serve as Sisters of the Cross (formerly Sisters of Compassion), missionaries who receive special training by GFA World to serve among the most in need like those in slums, leprosy colonies and among widows. These four faithful women chose 10 widows in their area to gift with income-generating gifts. The sisters bought a pair of chickens for each of the widows. What a generous gift!
“These widows are extremely poor; some of them don’t even have proper utensils or basic household things in their house,” Anhithi said. “I believe giving this small gift will really mean a lot to them. They can earn something for their family.”
How does a pair of chickens help a family in poverty? Eggs supply protein to eat, and extra can be sold at the market. Eggs can be fertilized and hatched to increase the flock, which means more eggs, or the chickens can be sold for extra income. The 10 widows were ecstatic to receive this generous gift. Each pair of chickens offers a widow and her children hope for a better future.
On average, a chicken produces around 250 eggs a year for 2-3 years.[2] Chickens require little food or maintenance. When you choose to give a pair of chickens, your gift continues to impact the family for years to come! Look through our Christmas Gift Catalog and see what items stand out to you. Perhaps you want to give a pair of goats or a small group of chickens. Incoming-generating gifts like these can change the trajectory of an entire family. Your generosity may transform a mindset of hopelessness to an outlook full of faith and optimism.
For just $11, you can donate a pair of chickens to a family in need. GFA pastors or missionaries like the Sisters of the Cross will hand select recipients for your gift. These faithful servants are aware of the needs in their communities and will be sure your gift goes to a deserving person. The chickens will be a walking reminder that God cares about them.
Learn more about how to sponsor a family for Christmas![1] “Unexpected Gifts Come … Squawking.” GFA World. February 15, 2016. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2016/02/when-unexpected-gifts-come-squawking.
[2] “The Best Egg Laying Chickens: A Guide to Egg Production.” IFA’s Blog. Accessed November 9, 2024. https://grow.ifa.coop/chickens/best-egg-laying-chickens.