If I Sponsor a Child in Africa to Go to School, How Does That Impact Poverty?
The decision to sponsor a child in Africa to go to school is one that can change the child’s life forever. Though many countries have free public education, for copious children around the world, taking advantage of that fact is only a dream. Schools in rural areas can be hours away, and the cost of transportation and supplies can overwhelm families living in poverty. Often, children must work alongside their parents to provide for the family, cutting their education short and making it more difficult for them to escape from their circumstances. Thus, while education is one of the best ways to eradicate poverty, poverty often prevents education, creating a vicious, never-ending cycle.[1]
Breaking this cycle is an important key to reducing poverty worldwide, and many organizations, like GFA World, are working toward this goal. The major way that we seek to break the chains of poverty is through our Child Sponsorship Program. This program gives children hope for a brighter future by enhancing their educational opportunities. We identify roadblocks to education in the community and seek to remove them through various development activities.[2] The cost of school supplies can be a roadblock, so we provide needed supplies for free.
Children miss school if they are fetching water from distant sources or they are sick in bed with a waterborne illness, so GFA provides clean water through Jesus wells or water filters. Malnourished kids are generally more prone to sickness and struggle more to focus on school, so GFA provides free, nutritious food for the sponsored children. Poor hygiene and dental care lead to illnesses and more missed school, so GFA educates kids about handwashing and teeth-brushing and provides toothbrushes and toothpaste. A child suffering from a preventable disease will not be able to go to school, so GFA provides free healthcare, including vaccinations and medicines.[3]
By collaborating with families and communities to overcome each of these obstacles and concerns, GFA paves the way for children to go to school and learn the skills and gain the confidence they need for life. This also sets them up for the future; every year of primary education received as a child increases a worker’s earnings by 10 percent.[4] A woman with high literacy skills can earn as much as 95 percent more than an illiterate woman or woman with low literacy skills.[5]
Consider partnering with GFA in bringing education to those who need it most. You can sponsor a child in Africa for just $35 a month, providing them with the lifeline to escape the cycle of poverty.
Learn more about sponsor a child in Africa[1] Adams, Karyn. “How does education affect poverty?” The Borgen Project. June 4, 2017. https://borgenproject.org/how-does-education-affect-poverty/.
[2] “GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa.” GFA World. Accessed July 20, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/africa/.
[3] “Sponsor a Child with GFA World.” GFA World. Accessed July 20, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/sponsorachild/.
[4] “5 Ways Education Can Help End Extreme Poverty | Blog | Global Partnership for Education.” n.d. Www.globalpartnership.org. Accessed October 3, 2023. https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/5-ways-education-can-help-end-extreme-poverty#:~:text=Education.
[5] “Teaching and Learning: Achieving Quality for All; EFA Global Monitoring Report, 2013-2014.” Global Education Monitoring Report Team. UNESCO. 2014. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000225660.