Partner with GFA World to Sponsor a Child in Africa
Africa is home to one-fifth of the world’s population—about 1.2 billion people—and half of the African populace is under the age of 15. With the presence of significant poverty in many of the nations on the continent, there is also great need and opportunity to sponsor a child in Africa.[1]
Mortality rates among all ages in Africa have been dropping over the decades, but In 2017, more than half of the 5.4 million deaths of children under the age of five worldwide occurred in Africa.[2] Many of these deaths were caused by preventable diseases, like pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea. If current trends persist, millions more unnecessary under-five deaths will occur throughout Africa in the coming decade.
However, not all the difficulties African children face come from death; new life also creates challenges. Sub-Saharan Africa has had the highest birth rates of any region since 2017, and this trend is projected to persist for the remainder of the century. With such a large and growing population of children, Africa will need to raise up millions more healthcare workers and primary school teachers to meet the demands of these shifting demographics.[3] It is difficult to provide so many personnel, so many organizations are working to be a part of solving the problem.
GFA World has faithfully served the needy in dozens of countries across Asia for more than 40 years, and our ministry has now expanded into Africa. One of the first initiaties our ministry began was establishing a branch of our Child Sponsorship Program in Kigali, Rwanda. As the capital city in one of the most densely populated African nations, Kigali is home to many kids in desperate circumstances. Believers from all over the world can now sponsor a child in Rwanda to help meet their tangible needs and bring them the Good News.[4]
Where extreme poverty is present, education is often set aside due the requirements of daily survival. Children are often made to work alongside their parents to afford food to survive. In sub-Saharan Africa alone, 100.1 million children—mostly girls—are not in school.[5] The vicious cycle then continues because education is one of the most important keys to breaking free from poverty’s grip. Thus, to sponsor a child in Africa to go to school opens an amazing opportunity of a brighter future for them they may never receive anywhere else.
Through sponsorship, our program looks at the roadblocks to education and seeks to remove them through developmental activities and assistance according to the needs of the community. This aide can be distributing school supplies, providing clean water, medical care, tuition assistance, tutoring help, preventing malnutrition and more. More than 1,000 children in Rwanda have already been enrolled in the program, and we are in the process of enrolling many more. The kids will be taught valuable skills, like language and math, that will lead to better employment opportunities in the future.[6]
So, how much does it cost to provide a child in Africa with a more hopeful future? It only takes $35 a month to sponsor a child in Africa, and the kids are not the only ones who benefit. Their families and communities feel the blessings of the sponsorship program too.[7]
Our missionaries work with community leaders to evaluate the needs of the community and how best to address them. If the people in the area are among the 340 million Africans who have no access to safe drinking water,[8] that causes many problems, including frequent sickness from the many diseases found in unclean water and the need to spend countless hours fetching this life-supporting necessity from distant sources. Thus, it is life-changing when GFA installs a Jesus Well in an area. Because commonly found materials are used, the wells are cost-effective and easy for local communities to maintain and repair.
Jesus Wells last an average of 20 years and can serve up to 300 people per day with clean water. We have already installed the first two Jesus Wells in Rwanda, and there are plans to drill many more to help alleviate the water crisis in Africa.
Besides education assistance and clean water, staff provide vocational training and other awareness activities for communities.[9]These programs allow entire families and villages to be lifted out of poverty. Parents can be trained in better-paying occupations as their kids learn and grow in school. This collaboration with GFA allows the whole family a brighter future.
How can I sponsor a child in Africa? With GFA’s Child Sponsorship Program, the process is very easy. Through our website, you select a child to sponsor. Sponsorship donations are tax-deductible and can be made monthly or annually by check, credit/debit card or electronic bank transfer. Once you get that established, you are connected with a specific child to write to and pray for and receive a picture of them as well. From there, you can send them letters and pictures online through GFA’s website or through the mail. Our God can change things for this child through your sponsorship and prayers.[10]
It doesn’t take much to sponsor a child in Africa, but the impact is massive. Children, families and whole communities are blessed and lifted up. Education and development projects show God’s love at work, help end the cycle of poverty and give hope for the future. Consider joining these efforts by sponsoring a child in Africa today.
Learn more about the effects of poverty on child development[1] “GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa.” GFA World. Accessed July 18, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/africa/.
[2] “Children in Africa: Key Statistics on Child Survival and Population.” UNICEF. January 9, 2019. https://data.unicef.org/resources/children-in-africa-child-survival-brochure/.
[3] Ibid.
[4] “GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa.” GFA World. Accessed July 18, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/africa/.
[5] “Data – GEM Report VIEW.” n.d. Accessed October 3, 2023. https://education-estimates.org/out-of-school/data/.
[6] “GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa.” GFA World. Accessed July 18, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/africa/.
[7] “Sponsor a Child with GFA World.” GFA World. Accessed July 18, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/sponsorachild/.
[8] “Africa’s Priorities for Sustainable Development.” UN: Africa Renewal. April 2012. https://www.un.org/africarenewal/magazine/april-2012/africa%E2%80%99s-priorities-sustainable-development.
[9] “Sponsor a Child with GFA World.” GFA World. Accessed July 18, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/sponsorachild/.
[10] Ibid.