Spirit of Poverty

What Does Breaking the Spirit of Poverty Look Like?

Breaking the spirit of poverty may sound like an impossible task. There is so much poverty in the world—almost 700 million people live on less than $2.15 a day[1]—that ending global poverty is daunting. In the midst of the overwhelming challenges posed by poverty, studies reveal a beacon of light that not only sustains life but fosters growth: the power of hope.[2]

Poverty has a way of killing hope and ambition. People resign themselves to the drudgery and hard work they have always known, not seeing a way to escape the cycle they are trapped in. Children grow up in poverty, unable to receive proper food, healthcare or education, leading to fewer opportunities for better-paying jobs, causing them to remain mired in poverty and eventually raise their own kids in the same way. Underdeveloped minds and absent opportunities steal much of the influence people could have if they only had a chance.[3]

That is why GFA World works in the poorest areas of countries in Africa and Asia, providing for physical needs, showing people God’s love and giving them a chance and some hope. Belissa and her husband, Balen, are just one example of this. Balen had stopped working as a truck driver, and both he and Belissa were struggling to find other job opportunities. Each inquiry turned up empty. Their funds continued to shrink, and they had to stop sending their kids to school as they couldn’t afford enough food, let alone school expenses.

Then, Belissa met a GFA missionary and her husband. Through attending the Women’s Fellowship meetings, Belissa, and soon Balen, began walking with the Lord. In the meantime, their financial situation had become so dire that they couldn’t afford rent, and the landlord was threatening eviction. The couple finally shared about their struggles, and the national missionaries looked to see how they could help. They gave financial advice and presented Belissa and Balen with two knitting machines, along with accessory parts and yarn, at a GFA World gift distribution. Belissa knew how to knit, but the family could never have afforded a knitting machine on their own. Now, they could both work hard knitting items to sell, earning money to support their kids. What was once a hopeless situation changed with a little help and love.[4]

The spirit of poverty takes away hope and ambition for a brighter future, but you can help people escape it. With GFA World, you can donate to provide an income-generating gift like a sewing machine or a farm animal,[5] showing people God’s love and care and giving them help and hope by empowering them to escape the cycle of poverty.

Learn more about the life of Christian missionaries through GFA World

[1] World Bank Group. “Poverty: Overview.” October 15, 2024. https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/poverty/overview.
[2] Lu, Stacy. “Turning lives around with hope.” American Psychological Association, Vol 45, No. 10. November 2014. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2014/11/hope.
[3] Psarris, Emily. “Solutions to poverty-line problems of the poor & impoverished.” GFA World Special Report. November 15, 2018. https://www.gfa.org/special-report/solutions-extreme-poverty-line-poor-impoverished.
[4] “GFA Pastor Provides Family with Tools to Break Poverty.” GFA World. May 16, 2022. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2022/05/gfa-pastor-provides-family-with-tools-to-break-poverty.
[5] “Christmas 2024 Gift Catalog.” GFA World. Accessed November 11, 2024. https://www.gfa.org/gift.