How Does Poverty Affect Children?
In order to help, we need to understand poverty and ask questions about poverty. How does poverty affect adults and their families? How does poverty affect children and their futures? Every child has a unique story about how poverty has affected their life; however, there are many common consequences of poverty.
- Lack of food — Families experiencing poverty often do not have access to sufficient food or nutritious food. Children living in poverty may experience malnutrition, which can lead to physical development delays and other health concerns.
- Lack of shelter — Many families living in poverty experience homelessness, evictions or regular moves. Insecure housing can cause stress; children experiencing poverty may not feel settled or safe in their homes.
- Lack of health — Unsafe drinking water, child labor and other aspects of poverty expose children to illnesses, diseases and injuries that can cause pain, discomfort or other disruptive symptoms. If injuries and illnesses are left untreated, many children may be sick for extended periods or develop chronic conditions. Many impoverished families do not have access to appropriate medical care or the resources to seek medical help.
- Lack of education — Poverty robs families of opportunities and options. Many families must choose between feeding their families and sending their children to school. According to UNESCO, 258 million children worldwide are not in school, and the main reason is poverty.1
How can you help children experiencing poverty?
- Child sponsorship — GFA World is working to educate children and alleviate child labor in Asia and Africa through their child sponsorship program. Just $35 a month helps support a child and their family and offers life-changing resources that will help protect that child from poverty, malnutrition and child labor.
- Animals — A donation for income generating animals can help a family in need; animals help combat poverty and change children’s lives for the better. Chickens, goats, and cows, among other animals, all offer families new sources of income that may help them buy necessities for their families. When animals help relieve the financial burden of food, medicine and housing expenses, families can afford to send their children to school.
- Literacy classes — Children cannot escape poverty alone; their families need help too. GFA missionaries teach adults phonetics, letter writing and sound combinations. Literacy classes empower adults to read, write and do basic math, build skills to help them navigate daily life, read medical and governmental paperwork and support their children in school. Literacy skills open up new job and career opportunities and build hope in individuals and families. GFA’s classes spread Christ’s love to lift individuals and families from poverty.
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Learn about how poverty affects education1 “Out of School Children and Youth.” UNESCO. Accessed 26 February 2022. http://uis.unesco.org/en/topic/out-school-children-and-youth.