The Hidden Scope of the Global Widowhood Crisis
Widowhood is often thought of as an issue facing only certain developing nations. But in reality there is in fact a global widowhood crisis, with millions facing similar issues of grief, financial struggle, and societal mistreatment. Widowhood transcends borders, cultures and faiths as a global humanitarian crisis hidden in plain sight.
The Sheer Scale of the Problem
Currently, there are an estimated 258 million widows worldwide. One out of every nine women aged 15 or older is a widow, with over 115 million living in poverty. In parts of Asia and Africa, the numbers are especially stark. Countries like Afghanistan, Rwanda and countries in the South Asian region contain “widowhood hotspots” with unusually high concentrations of widows compared to the general population.[1]
But widowhood is not confined solely to the developing world. In Europe, Ukraine has a widowhood rate of 19.2%, the highest globally. The Czech Republic follows close behind at 13.6%, on par with post-genocide Rwanda. Even France reports 12.2% of women are widows.[2]
Despite regional differences, core issues unite widows worldwide. The loss of a spouse brings universal heartache and hardship. Widows everywhere struggle to provide for their families alone. They battle similar forms of societal prejudice, including being seen as ill-omened or cursed. Belittling superstitions persist both in remote villages and modern cities.[3]
Widowhood plunges women into poverty almost everywhere it exists. One study across four states in South Asia found that around 70% of the women are widows[4] with the majority living in poverty.[5] Financial desperation leads many widows to become reliant on their children or turn to begging.[6]
Losing a husband also leaves widows vulnerable to violence, abuse and exploitation across cultures. From war zones to stable democracies, widows can face shocking cruelty from those who see them as easy targets. Thus widowhood becomes both a cause and consequence of gender inequality worldwide.[7]
Cultural Variations
While widows share common hardships globally, there are also significant cultural differences. Some societies prohibit widows from remarrying or require them to marry the brother of their deceased husband, regardless of personal wishes.[8]
Mourning rituals also vary widely. In parts of Asia, widows are expected to wear white clothes and shave their heads. In other cultures, widows must isolate themselves from society for long periods.[9]
Belief systems also influence how widows are viewed and treated. Those who hold to reincarnation may regard a widow’s fate as punishment for supposed sins in a past life. Indigenous religions often attach spiritual significance to widowhood, requiring compliance with traditions. Thus culture powerfully impacts the widowhood experience.[10]
A Lack of Visibility
Despite its global scope, widowhood remains a largely hidden issue. There is a lack of focus and research on the unique struggles widows face. Their plight is largely invisible in statistics and policy discussions.
For instance, the United Nations’ first in-depth report on widows was not published until 2001. That report noted: “There is no group more affected by the sin of omission than widows. They are painfully absent from the statistics of many developing countries.”[11]
This “sin of omission” persists today. The problems faced by millions of the world’s widows rarely capture major media attention or political action. Widowhood is a silent crisis running beneath the surface of societies worldwide.
Reason for Hope
Yet across cultures, many widows are finding help and hope through the efforts of charitable organizations and women’s self-help networks. Through vocational training, income generation, healthcare, education and other aid, widows are being empowered to build new lives.[12]
And slowly, legal reforms are coming as more nations provide protections for widows’ rights. Public awareness events like International Widows Day help give a voice to the voiceless. Though long neglected, the global plight of widows is finally gaining more recognition.[13]
May God open the eyes of societies worldwide to the gifts and dignity of widows among us. We must combat injustice and ensure all widows receive the care, respect and support they deserve.
You can make a difference for widows’ invisible crisis worldwide, their struggle with poverty, discrimination and abuse. GFA World’s Widows and Abandoned Children Fund provides vital support like sewing machines, literacy training, income-generating gifts and more. Help empower widows today.
Learn more about poverty and animal gifting[1] “Statistics,” The Loomba Foundation, October 2, 2023, https://www.theloombafoundation.org/our-work/research/world-widows-report/statistics.
[2] “International Widows’ Day,” United Nations in Indonesia, June 23, 2023, https://indonesia.un.org/en/237245-international-widows%E2%80%99-day-23-june.
[3] Cherie Blair, “Why Widowhood Is One of the Developing World’s Key Women’s Issues,” The Guardian, June 20, 2015, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jun/21/international-widows-day-poverty-social-exclusion.
[4] “A Study on Widowhood in India – Aura.” Aura | Monthly e Magazine, May 31, 2022. https://auramag.in/a-study-on-widowhood-in-india/.
[5] Chakamba, Rumbi. “Lesotho Uses Mobile Tech to Help HIV-Positive Women Access Treatment.” News Deeply, February 10, 2017. https://deeply.thenewhumanitarian.org/womenandgirls/articles/2017/02/10/poverty-hope-indias-city-widows.
[6] Abebe, Tatek. “Earning a Living on the Margins: Begging, Street Work and the Socio-Spatial Experiences of Children In…” Taylor & Francis, September 1, 2008. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227964944_Earning_a_living_on_the_margins_Begging_street_work_and_the_socio-spatial_experiences_of_children_in_Addis_Ababa.
[7] UN Women – Headquarters. “Explainer: What You Should Know about Widowhood.” Accessed October 25, 2023. https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2021/6/explainer-what-you-should-know-about-widowhood.
[8] AFP.com. “Afghanistan’s ‘hill of Widows’ Live in a World Apart,” January 26, 2018. https://www.afp.com/en/afghanistans-hill-widows-live-world-apart.
[9] Hasrat-Nazimi, Waslat. “Afghan widows would ‘rather die.’” January 30, 2013. DW Akademie. https://www.dw.com/en/afghan-widows-would-rather-die/a-16562576.
[10] Harma, Risto F. “World Widows Report.” The Loomba Foundation. 2015. https://www.theloombafoundation.org/sites/default/files/2019-06/WWR.pdf.
[11] “Women 2000.” United Nations, December 2001. https://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/public/wom_Dec%2001%20single%20pg.pdf.
[12] GFA World. “Help a Widow: Provide Hope.” Accessed October 25, 2023. https://www.gfa.org/women/widows/.
[13] “International Widows’ Day.” United Nations. Accessed October 25, 2023. https://www.un.org/en/observances/widows-day.