Who Is Helping with Clean Water and Sanitation?
Many organizations are tackling the world’s clean water and sanitation crisis. The World Health Organization, an international authority on public health and water quality, leads global efforts to prevent water-related disease and advises governments on developing health-based targets and regulations.[1] The United Nations is also highly focused on this problem and explains “the physical world of water is closely tied to the socio-political world, with water often acting as a key factor in managing the risks of famine, epidemics, inequalities and political instability.” As a result, water is an underpinning of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.[2]
GFA World is working to address water and sanitation issues throughout Asia and in parts of Africa. GFA’s Jesus Wells supply a steady source of clean water where there was none before. The wells are drilled up to 600 feet, providing pure water previously out of reach, and continue to do so even in droughts. A single Jesus Well can serve an average of 300 people for up to 20 years. With local labor and materials, a well can on average be drilled for the relatively low cost of $1,400, which works out to only $5 a person.[3]
In addition, GFA World’s BioSand water filters clean contaminated water already available. The simple structures are built with concrete and filled with layers of sand, rocks and gravel, and they remove up to 98 percent of dirty water’s biological impurities. These filters are perfect solutions for families, and it only costs $30 to provide pure water and prevent future illness.[4]
GFA also teaches hygiene and hand-washing practices to further help with disease prevention. Many lives have been impacted by these efforts, all done in the name and love of Christ.
Rani Thankur, for example, lived in a village where everyone had to walk a long distance to draw water from a well. When the well ran dry, the people had to draw water from a nearby river, which would get dirty and foul-smelling during monsoon season. Those who could afford firewood would boil the water to help purify it, but it still smelled awful. Others just had to take their chances and drink the filthy river water. A local pastor and other believers prayed for the village, and the Lord provided a Jesus Well. Rani had previously hated Christians, so she was ashamed to come to the well to draw water. But the pastor encouraged her and shared his testimony with her. The Lord worked in Rani’s heart, and she began following Christ despite her family’s opposition to her decision. Access to clean water had changed her heart.[5]
GFA World is reaching thousands of people with clean water and the message of God’s love. By meeting physical needs with love and compassion, hearts are changed. Consider joining this mission by donating to provide a Jesus Well or BioSand water filter to a family or village in need.
Learn more about clean water[1] “Drinking-water Facts Sheet.” World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/drinking-water. March 21, 2022.
[2] “Water Facts.” UN Water. https://www.unwater.org/water-facts. Accessed November 18, 2022.
[3] “Clean Water.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/water. Accessed November 18, 2022.
[4] Ibid.
[5] “Clean Water: Clean Water through Jesus Wells.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/water/jesus-wells. Accessed November 18, 2022.