What Info Do I Need to Know About How To Donate a Goat Through GFA World?
Goats make a great Christmas gift for a family in poverty. Once you understand how to donate a goat through GFA World, a family in need can be blessed through your gift. These animals make a huge difference to a family. They provide milk that the family can drink or sell, and other products can be made from goats’ milk to bring in income, like soap and candles. Goats can be easily bred to sell or increase the herd. It’s a gift that keeps on giving!
Recipients are selected by GFA pastors and missionaries who are familiar with the community and know the greatest needs. They know which families will most benefit from the gift of a goat or other livestock.
Nadajay,[1] a woman in Asia, only made $1.38 a day. A 45-year-old widow, she needed to provide for her two sons, but her daily wage didn’t cover the family’s expenses. When her son became ill, she was desperate to get him medical care. Nadajay had already lost five sons to illness, but she had no money to pay for treatment. When GFA pastor Macalay arrived in Nadajay’s area, he saw the extreme poverty and the plight of this young widow. Through prayer, he asked God to heal the young boy, and God answered.
A year later, Nadajay and her sons received a pair of goats from a GFA World gift distribution event. This gift changed her life! The goats provided milk and offspring! Over time, by selling 24 goats, she was able to pay for the medical needs of her family, put her sons through school and make roof repairs for her home.
When generous donors like you give income-generating animals to families in need, we can work together to end poverty and build hope. Chickens and goats may not change your life, but they can make a radical transformation for the poor in Asia. When you give, and when you realize the impact of chicken and goats, you may discover that the Lord is transforming your heart and mind as well.[2]
Please join us in donating a goat to a family in need. You can make a life-changing impact with a simple Christmas gift. For just $140, you can donate a pair of goats to a deserving family in need. The process is very easy. Simply visit our Christmas Gift Catalog and select the goat item from the list of options. GFA pastors and missionaries will purchase the goats and select the recipient.
Learn more about how to sponsor a family for Christmas![1] “Medical Needs Taken Care of Through Prayer, Goats.” GFA World. April 5, 2021. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2021/04/medical-needs-taken-care-of-through-prayer-goats.
[2] “The Amazing and Empowering Impact of Chicken and Goats.” Patheos. November 21, 2019. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/gospelforasia/2018/12/amazing-impact-chickens-goats.