How Do Charitable Gifts, Christmas and All Year Long, Help Marginalized Women?
Marginalized women in Africa and Asia are helped with charitable gifts—Christmas presents that change women’s lives. With your generosity, these women can break out of the cycle of poverty that is severely impacting their future.
Here are two ideas that make a tremendous impact:
Literacy classes are one of the most effective gifts to give marginalized women. When illiterate women learn to read and write, they suddenly have a skill that raises their income possibilities. They can read contracts, avoid harmful labor agreements and are less likely to be cheated in the marketplace. They can also help their children learn to read and write, help them with their homework and learn along with their children. Being able to read also allows them to study God’s Word and learn of God’s love for them.
This newfound literacy, as defined by Literacy Texas, is “the ability to read, write, speak, and listen, use technology and apply numeracy, with enough skill and confidence to express and understand ideas and opinions, make decisions and solve problems, achieve goals, and participate fully in society. Achieving literacy is a lifelong learning process.”[1]
At GFA World, we provide women’s literacy classes through our female missionaries. These women are trained in unique techniques of teaching within their culture.
Vocational training is another way to help marginalized women. At GFA World, we help women learn new skills to foster opportunities for higher paying jobs. For example, when a woman receives training in sewing, she becomes qualified to work as a tailor, either in her own small business or as an employee in a tailoring shop. GFA World also provides gifts of sewing machines to give women the tools and resources they need to succeed.
These classes and gifts empower women to earn a sustainable income and climb out of the cycle of poverty that entrenches them.
“Through a six-month tailoring course, women learn how to sew blouses, trousers, undergarments and many other practical items they can sell to provide a healthy income for their families. After completing tailoring classes, many graduates receive sewing machines— which is only made possible through the generosity of people like you!”[2]
Join with us at GFA to help marginalized women this Christmas. Through your generosity, you can make a life-changing difference for someone in need.
Learn more about the hope brought through charitable Christmas gifts[1] “Defining Literacy.” Literacy Texas. Accessed October 20, 2024.
[2] “Equip Women with Tools.” GFA World. Accessed October 20, 2024.