How Can Impoverished Families Escape the Cycle of Generational Poverty?
Millions of families in Africa and Asia are caught in the inescapable trap of poverty. For generations after generations they have lived hand to mouth. There is no way for them to escape this vicious cycle. Most have very few opportunities for them to improve their financial situation — they’re not even able to send their children to school. How can they ever escape this horrible cycle of generational poverty? Some non-profit organizations, like GFA World, are helping to transform their lives through providing income generating gifts like chickens, goats, cows, and sewing machines.
Compliments of Gospel for Asia (GFA World).
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How Can Impoverished Families Escape the Cycle of Generational Poverty?
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Millions of people in Africa and Asia are caught in the inescapable trap of poverty. For generations they have lived hand to mouth with very few opportunities for them to improve their financial situation. They’re not even able to scrape up enough money to send their children to school. This often leads to children laboring alongside their parents in order to earn just enough money for their next meal. As a result their children have little hope of a better future.
How can they ever escape this horrible cycle of generational poverty and find hope? GFA world is helping transform their lives through providing income generating gifts like goats, cows, and sewing machines. These kinds of gifts make it possible for poor uneducated people to break out of generational poverty. And the next generation is able to benefit when their parents are able to send them to school because of the increase in family income. With an education they can now have hope for a brighter future.
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