Where Are Christian Missionaries Needed Most?
As we read about missionaries serving all over the world, it is natural to wonder, “Where are Christian missionaries needed most?” Of course, all countries need missionaries, but the greatest need is in a region of the globe known as the 10/40 Window. This rectangular area between the 10 degrees and 40 degrees north latitude lines encompasses Northern Africa, the Middle East and Asia. According to the Joshua Project, more than half of the world’s population and people groups live within the window, and nearly six thousand of those people groups—about 3.31 billion people—have yet to hear about God.[1]
What most people think of when they hear “missions” is sending missionaries from the West to share the Good News in foreign countries. However, this model has become more difficult to maintain. In 2021, there were an estimated 430,000 missionaries serving full time, which is sharply down from the 1,135,000 missionaries of just twenty years earlier.[2] In fact, about 12,000 missionaries leave full-time service each year, and 71 percent of them leave for preventable reasons. In addition, nearly 60 percent of the countries in the 10/40 Window are closed to North American missionaries.[3]
Our founder K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) saw that the traditional missions model was not sustainable, so he advocated that people in the West should support and train national workers who are already in the countries. He argued that local workers are better suited to serve the people of Asia as they already live among them, work with them, dress the same as them and eat the same food. National missionaries also intrinsically know the culture and customs, making it easier for them and their message to be accepted. They also have access to places where outsiders are not permitted to go.
Thus, GFA World works to train and send out national missionaries who are passionate to share Christ’s love. The workers go through an intensive, three-year training period and then set off, usually into places where no missions or humanitarian agencies have been before. They immediately begin seeing and meeting the spiritual and physical needs of those around them: praying for the sick, sharing Gospel literature, bringing clean water to a remote village through a Jesus Well; starting a branch of GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program, allowing kids to attend school for the first time; and helping fight poverty with income generating gifts like sewing machines, fishing nets and vocational training.[4] That is just the beginning of answering what do Christian missionaries do, and they cannot do it alone.
Consider sponsoring a GFA national missionary and allowing them to continue to share God with those who need His love and hope the most.[5]
What do Christian missionaries do? Learn more at GFA World[1] “What Is the 10/40 Window?” Joshua Project. Accessed December 5, 2024. https://joshuaproject.net/resources/articles/10_40_window.
[2] Koering, Jeremy. “2024 Christian missionary statistics.” Nations Outreach. March 1, 2024. https://nationsoutreach.org/stories/christian-missionary-statistics.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Lukins, Julian. “National workers: Unstoppable compassion force.” GFA World Special Report. August 19, 2021. https://www.gfa.org/special-report/missionary-work-by-national-workers.
[5] “National Missionaries: Sponsor a National Missionary.” GFA World. Accessed December 5. 2024, https://www.gfa.org/sponsor.