What Is a Christian Missionary Testimony?
A Christian missionary testimony, like all testimonies, is a story about what God has done. It can be tempting to think about all that a person, especially a missionary, has accomplished for Jesus and be impressed, but a true testimony is all about what Jesus has done and continues to do for and through each person.
One striking missionary testimony is from Bruce Olsen.[1] He felt a pull on his heart to share the love of God that he had experienced with those who had never heard about it before. He bought a ticket to Venezuela where he heard about the Bari tribe, a group with little to no positive contact with the outside world. Olsen had a burden to share the Good News of Jesus with the Bari people, so he began connecting with them and finding a way to communicate Christ’s love in a manner they would understand. Olsen faced challenges in this work, but God used him in amazing and beautiful ways to show the Bari people how to find freedom in Christ.
No matter where a missionary works or what they do to show God’s love, the central theme is always how much God loves people and wants them to know Him. GFA World’s national missionaries are no different. They have a burden and a passion to serve their own people, and their ministry makes it possible for people who have never heard about Jesus to hear and see how much He loves them.[2]
Pastor Nachum is just one example of this. He lived and served in a village where he met a family of nine living in poverty. No matter how much the family worked, they could not escape it. As he talked to the family, Pastor Nachum shared the love of Christ and encouraged the family to trust Him with their worries. HIs words provided hope, but Pastor Nachum was going to do more than that. He arranged for the family to receive a pair of piglets at a GFA World gift distribution. The piglets grew and had five more piglets, each worth the equivalent of a month’s income.
Pastor Nachum continued to reach out to the family. They were eager to hear more about the God who cared for the needy. They began attending services and finding hope and peace in the messages. God’s provision through the piglets not only transformed their lives but also their hearts.[3]
It’s difficult to fully answer “What do Christian missionaries do?” but it’s also easy. They do whatever allows them to share God with those who have never heard. You can help them do this by sponsoring a missionary through GFA World.
What do Christian missionaries do? Learn more at GFA World[1] Chantel. “5 Missionary heroes and their inspiring stories.” Kindred Grace. Accessed December 5, 2024. https://kindredgrace.com/missionary-heroes-stories.
[2] “National Missionaries: Sponsor a National Missionary.” GFA World. Accessed December 5, 2024. https://www.gfa.org/sponsor.
[3] “Piglets Displace Poverty for Family of Nine.” GFA World. January 7, 2021. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2021/01/piglets-displace-poverty-family-nine.